Source code for bigchaindb.pipelines.utils

"""Utility classes and functions to work with the pipelines."""

import time
import rethinkdb as r
import logging
from multipipes import Node

from bigchaindb import Bigchain

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ChangeFeed(Node): """This class wraps a RethinkDB changefeed adding a ``prefeed``. It extends :class:`multipipes.Node` to make it pluggable in other Pipelines instances, and makes usage of ``self.outqueue`` to output the data. A changefeed is a real time feed on inserts, updates, and deletes, and is volatile. This class is a helper to create changefeeds. Moreover, it provides a way to specify a ``prefeed`` of iterable data to output before the actual changefeed. """ INSERT = 1 DELETE = 2 UPDATE = 4 def __init__(self, table, operation, prefeed=None, bigchain=None): """Create a new RethinkDB ChangeFeed. Args: table (str): name of the table to listen to for changes. operation (int): can be ChangeFeed.INSERT, ChangeFeed.DELETE, or ChangeFeed.UPDATE. Combining multiple operation is possible with the bitwise ``|`` operator (e.g. ``ChangeFeed.INSERT | ChangeFeed.UPDATE``) prefeed (iterable): whatever set of data you want to be published first. bigchain (``Bigchain``): the bigchain instance to use (can be None). """ super().__init__(name='changefeed') self.prefeed = prefeed if prefeed else [] self.table = table self.operation = operation self.bigchain = bigchain or Bigchain() def run_forever(self): for element in self.prefeed: self.outqueue.put(element) while True: try: self.run_changefeed() break except (r.ReqlDriverError, r.ReqlOpFailedError) as exc: logger.exception(exc) time.sleep(1) def run_changefeed(self): for change in is_insert = change['old_val'] is None is_delete = change['new_val'] is None is_update = not is_insert and not is_delete if is_insert and (self.operation & ChangeFeed.INSERT): self.outqueue.put(change['new_val']) elif is_delete and (self.operation & ChangeFeed.DELETE): self.outqueue.put(change['old_val']) elif is_update and (self.operation & ChangeFeed.UPDATE): self.outqueue.put(change['new_val'])