Transaction Schema


This is the outer transaction wrapper. It contains the ID, version and the body of the transaction, which is also called transaction.

type: string

A sha3 digest of the transaction. The ID is calculated by removing all derived hashes and signatures from the transaction, serializing it to JSON with keys in sorted order and then hashing the resulting string with sha3.


type: object

See: Transaction Body.


type: integer

BigchainDB transaction schema version.

Transaction Body

See: Transaction Body.


type: string

Type of the transaction:

A CREATE transaction creates an asset in BigchainDB. This transaction has outputs (conditions) but no inputs (fulfillments), so a dummy fulfillment is used.

A TRANSFER transaction transfers ownership of an asset, by providing fulfillments to conditions of earlier transactions.

A GENESIS transaction is a special case transaction used as the sole member of the first block in a BigchainDB ledger.


type: object

Description of the asset being transacted.

See: Asset.


type: array (object)

Array of the fulfillments (inputs) of a transaction.

See: Fulfillment.


type: array (object)

Array of conditions (outputs) provided by this transaction.

See: Condition.


type: object or null

User provided transaction metadata. This field may be null or may contain an id and an object with freeform metadata.

See: Metadata.


An output of a transaction. A condition describes a quantity of an asset and what conditions must be met in order for it to be fulfilled. See also: fulfillment.


type: integer

Index of this condition’s appearance in the Transaction.conditions array. In a transaction with 2 conditions, the ``cid``s will be 0 and 1.


type: object

Body of the condition. Has the properties:

  • details: Details of the condition.
  • uri: Condition encoded as an ASCII string.


type: array (string) or null

List of public keys associated with asset ownership at the time of the transaction.


type: integer

Integral amount of the asset represented by this condition. In the case of a non divisible asset, this will always be 1.


A fulfillment is an input to a transaction, named as such because it fulfills a condition of a previous transaction. In the case of a CREATE transaction, a fulfillment may provide no input.


type: integer

The offset of the fulfillment within the fulfillents array.


type: array (string) or null

List of public keys of the previous owners of the asset.


type: object or string

Fulfillment of a condition, or put a different way, this is a payload that satisfies a condition in order to spend the associated asset.


type: object or null

Reference to a condition of a previous transaction


Description of the asset being transacted. In the case of a TRANSFER transaction, this field contains only the ID of asset. In the case of a CREATE transaction, this field may contain properties:

type: string

A UUID of type 4 (random).


type: boolean

Whether or not the asset has a quantity that may be partially spent.


type: boolean

Whether or not the description of the asset may be updated. Defaults to false.


type: boolean

Whether the amount of the asset can change after its creation. Defaults to false.

type: object or null

User provided metadata associated with the asset. May also be null.


User provided transaction metadata. This field may be null or may contain an id and an object with freeform metadata.

type: string

A UUID of type 4 (random).

type: object

User provided transaction metadata.