The Vote Model

A vote has the following structure:

    "node_pubkey": "<The public key of the voting node>",
    "vote": {
        "voting_for_block": "<ID of the block the node is voting on>",
        "previous_block": "<ID of the block previous to the block being voted on>",
        "is_block_valid": "<true OR false>",
        "invalid_reason": null,
        "timestamp": "<Unix time when the vote was generated, provided by the voting node>"
    "signature": "<Cryptographic signature of vote>"


  • Votes have no ID (or "id"), as far as users are concerned. (The backend database uses one internally, but it’s of no concern to users and it’s never reported to them via BigchainDB APIs.)
  • At the time of writing, the value of "invalid_reason" was always null. In other words, it wasn’t being used. It may be used or dropped in a future version of BigchainDB. See Issue #217 on GitHub.
  • For more information about the vote "timestamp", see the page about timestamps in BigchainDB.
  • For more information about how the "signature" is calculated, see the page about cryptography in BigchainDB.