The Asset Model

To avoid redundant data in transactions, the asset model is different for CREATE and TRANSFER transactions.

In a CREATE transaction, the "asset" must contain exactly one key-value pair. The key must be "data" and the value can be any valid JSON document, or null. For example:

    "data": {
                "desc": "Gold-inlay bookmark owned by Xavier Bellomat Dickens III",
                "xbd_collection_id": 1857

In a TRANSFER transaction, the "asset" must contain exactly one key-value pair. They key must be "id" and the value must contain a transaction ID (i.e. a SHA3-256 hash: the ID of the CREATE transaction which created the asset, which also serves as the asset ID). For example:

    "id": "38100137cea87fb9bd751e2372abb2c73e7d5bcf39d940a5516a324d9c7fb88d"