Source code for bigchaindb_driver.transport

# Copyright BigchainDB GmbH and BigchainDB contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0)
# Code is Apache-2.0 and docs are CC-BY-4.0

from time import time

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError

from .connection import Connection
from .exceptions import TimeoutError
from .pool import Pool

NO_TIMEOUT_BACKOFF_CAP = 10  # seconds

[docs]class Transport: """Transport class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *nodes, timeout=None): """Initializes an instance of :class:`~bigchaindb_driver.transport.Transport`. Args: nodes: each node is a dictionary with the keys `endpoint` and `headers` timeout (int): Optional timeout in seconds. """ self.nodes = nodes self.timeout = timeout self.connection_pool = Pool([Connection(node_url=node['endpoint'], headers=node['headers']) for node in nodes])
[docs] def forward_request(self, method, path=None, json=None, params=None, headers=None): """Makes HTTP requests to the configured nodes. Retries connection errors (e.g. DNS failures, refused connection, etc). A user may choose to retry other errors by catching the corresponding exceptions and retrying `forward_request`. Exponential backoff is implemented individually for each node. Backoff delays are expressed as timestamps stored on the object and they are not reset in between multiple function calls. Times out when `self.timeout` is expired, if not `None`. Args: method (str): HTTP method name (e.g.: ``'GET'``). path (str): Path to be appended to the base url of a node. E.g.: ``'/transactions'``). json (dict): Payload to be sent with the HTTP request. params (dict)): Dictionary of URL (query) parameters. headers (dict): Optional headers to pass to the request. Returns: dict: Result of :meth:`requests.models.Response.json` """ error_trace = [] timeout = self.timeout backoff_cap = NO_TIMEOUT_BACKOFF_CAP if timeout is None \ else timeout / 2 while timeout is None or timeout > 0: connection = self.connection_pool.get_connection() start = time() try: response = connection.request( method=method, path=path, params=params, json=json, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, backoff_cap=backoff_cap, ) except ConnectionError as err: error_trace.append(err) continue else: return finally: elapsed = time() - start if timeout is not None: timeout -= elapsed raise TimeoutError(error_trace)