Source code for bigchaindb.backend.changefeed

"""Changefeed interfaces for backends."""

from functools import singledispatch

from multipipes import Node

import bigchaindb

[docs]class ChangeFeed(Node): """Create a new changefeed. It extends :class:`multipipes.Node` to make it pluggable in other Pipelines instances, and makes usage of ``self.outqueue`` to output the data. A changefeed is a real time feed on inserts, updates, and deletes, and is volatile. This class is a helper to create changefeeds. Moreover, it provides a way to specify a ``prefeed`` of iterable data to output before the actual changefeed. """ INSERT = 1 DELETE = 2 UPDATE = 4 def __init__(self, table, operation, *, prefeed=None, connection=None): """Create a new ChangeFeed. Args: table (str): name of the table to listen to for changes. operation (int): can be ChangeFeed.INSERT, ChangeFeed.DELETE, or ChangeFeed.UPDATE. Combining multiple operations is possible with the bitwise ``|`` operator (e.g. ``ChangeFeed.INSERT | ChangeFeed.UPDATE``) prefeed (:class:``, optional): whatever set of data you want to be published first. connection (:class:`~bigchaindb.backend.connection.Connection`, optional): # noqa A connection to the database. If no connection is provided a default connection will be created. """ super().__init__(name='changefeed') self.prefeed = prefeed if prefeed else [] self.table = table self.operation = operation if connection: self.connection = connection else: self.connection = bigchaindb.backend.connect( **bigchaindb.config['database'])
[docs] def run_forever(self): """Main loop of the ``multipipes.Node`` This method is responsible for first feeding the prefeed to the outqueue and after that starting the changefeed and recovering from any errors that may occur in the backend. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run_changefeed(self): """Backend specific method to run the changefeed. The changefeed is usually a backend cursor that is not closed when all the results are exausted. Instead it remains open waiting for new results. This method should also filter each result based on the ``operation`` and put all matching results on the outqueue of ``multipipes.Node``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def get_changefeed(connection, table, operation, *, prefeed=None): """Return a ChangeFeed. Args: connection (:class:`~bigchaindb.backend.connection.Connection`): A connection to the database. table (str): name of the table to listen to for changes. operation (int): can be ChangeFeed.INSERT, ChangeFeed.DELETE, or ChangeFeed.UPDATE. Combining multiple operation is possible with the bitwise ``|`` operator (e.g. ``ChangeFeed.INSERT | ChangeFeed.UPDATE``) prefeed (iterable): whatever set of data you want to be published first. """ raise NotImplementedError