Run BigchainDB with Ansible

NOT for Production Use

You can use the following instructions to deploy a BigchainDB node for dev/test using Ansible. Ansible will setup a BigchainDB node along with Docker, Docker Compose, MongoDB, BigchainDB Python driver.

Currently, this workflow is only supported for the following distributions:

  • Ubuntu >= 16.04
  • CentOS >= 7
  • Fedora >= 24

Clone the BigchainDB repository | Ansible

$ git clone

Install dependencies | Ansible

You can also install ansible and other dependecies, if any, using the script inside the BigchainDB repository. Navigate to bigchaindb/pkg/scripts and run the script to install the dependecies for your OS. The script also checks if the OS you are running is compatible with the supported versions.

$ cd bigchaindb/pkg/scripts/
$ sudo ./

Local Setup | Ansible

You can safely run the quickstart playbook now and everything will be taken care of by ansible on your host. quickstart playbook only supports deployment on your dev/local host. To run the playbook please navigate to the ansible directory inside the BigchainDB repository and run the quickstart playbook.

$ cd bigchaindb/pkg/ansible/

# All the services will be deployed as processes
$ sudo ansible-playbook quickstart.yml -c local


# To deploy all services inside docker containers
$ sudo ansible-playbook quickstart.yml --extra-vars "with_docker=true" -c local

After successfull execution of the playbook, you can verify that BigchainDB docker/process is running.

Verify BigchainDB process:

$ ps -ef | grep bigchaindb


Verify BigchainDB Docker:

$ docker ps | grep bigchaindb

The playbook also installs the BigchainDB python driver, so can instantly make transactions and verify the functionality. The bdb_root_url can be be one of the following:

# BigchainDB is running as a process
bdb_root_url = http://<HOST-IP>:9984


# BigchainDB is running inside a docker container
bdb_root_url = http://<HOST-IP>:<DOCKER-PUBLISHED-PORT>

For more details on how to make a transaction? Please refer to Basic Usage Examples.