Set Up a Cluster

This section is about how to set up a BigchainDB cluster where each node is operated by a different operator. If you want to set up and run a testing cluster on AWS (where all nodes are operated by you), then see the section about that.

Initial Checklist

  • Do you have a governance process for making consortium-level decisions, such as how to admit new members?
  • What will you store in creation transactions (data payload)? Is there a data schema?
  • Will you use transfer transactions? Will they include a non-empty data payload?
  • Who will be allowed to submit transactions? Who will be allowed to read or query transactions? How will you enforce the access rules?

Set Up the Initial Cluster

The consortium must decide some things before setting up the initial cluster (initial set of BigchainDB nodes):

  1. Who will operate a node in the initial cluster?
  2. What will the replication factor be? (It must be 3 or more for RethinkDB failover to work.)
  3. Which node will be responsible for sending the commands to configure the RethinkDB database?

Once those things have been decided, each node operator can begin setting up their BigchainDB (production) node.

Each node operator will eventually need two pieces of information from all other nodes:

  1. Their RethinkDB hostname, e.g.
  2. Their BigchainDB public key, e.g. Eky3nkbxDTMgkmiJC8i5hKyVFiAQNmPP4a2G4JdDxJCK