How to Generate a Server Certificate for MongoDB

This page enumerates the steps we use to generate a server certificate for a MongoDB instance. A server certificate is also referred to as a “member certificate” in the MongoDB documentation. We use Easy-RSA.

Step 1: Install & Configure Easy–RSA

First create a directory for the server certificate (member cert) and cd into it:

mkdir member-cert

cd member-cert

Then install and configure Easy-RSA in that directory.

Step 2: Create the Server Private Key and CSR

You can create the server private key and certificate signing request (CSR) by going into the directory member-cert/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3 and using something like:

./easyrsa init-pki

./easyrsa --req-cn=mdb-instance-0 --subject-alt-name=DNS:localhost,DNS:mdb-instance-0 gen-req mdb-instance-0 nopass

You should replace the Common Name (mdb-instance-0 above) with the correct name for your MongoDB instance in the cluster, e.g. mdb-instance-5 or mdb-instance-12. (This name is decided by the organization managing the cluster.)

You will be prompted to enter the Distinguished Name (DN) information for this certificate. For each field, you can accept the default value [in brackets] by pressing Enter.


Don’t accept the default value of OU (IT). Instead, enter the value MongoDB-Instance.

Aside: You need to provide the DNS:localhost SAN during certificate generation for using the localhost exception in the MongoDB instance. All certificates can have this attribute without compromising security as the localhost exception works only the first time.

Step 3: Get the Server Certificate Signed

The CSR file created in the last step should be located in pki/reqs/mdb-instance-0.req (where the integer 0 may be different for you). You need to send it to the organization managing the cluster so that they can use their CA to sign the request. (The managing organization should already have a self-signed CA.)

If you are the admin of the managing organization’s self-signed CA, then you can import the CSR and use Easy-RSA to sign it. Go to your bdb-cluster-ca/easy-rsa-3.0.1/easyrsa3/ directory and do something like:

./easyrsa import-req mdb-instance-0.req mdb-instance-0

./easyrsa --subject-alt-name=DNS:localhost,DNS:mdb-instance-0 sign-req server mdb-instance-0

Once you have signed it, you can send the signed certificate and the CA certificate back to the requestor. The files are pki/issued/mdb-instance-0.crt and pki/ca.crt.

Step 4: Generate the Consolidated Server PEM File

MongoDB requires a single, consolidated file containing both the public and private keys.

cat mdb-instance-0.crt mdb-instance-0.key > mdb-instance-0.pem