Run a BigchainDB network

NOT for Production Use

You can use the following instructions to deploy a single or multi node BigchainDB network for dev/test using the extensible stack script(s).

Currently, this workflow is only supported for the following Operating systems:

  • Ubuntu >= 16.04
  • CentOS >= 7
  • Fedora >= 24
  • MacOSX

Machine Minimum Requirements

Minimum resource requirements for a single node BigchainDB dev setup. The more the better:

  • Memory >= 512MB
  • VCPUs >= 1

Download the scripts

Note: If you’re working on BigchainDB Server code, on a branch based on recent code, then you already have local recent versions of and in your bigchaindb/pkg/scripts/ directory. Otherwise you can get them using:
$ export GIT_BRANCH=master
$ curl -fOL${GIT_BRANCH}/pkg/scripts/

# Optional
$ curl -fOL${GIT_BRANCH}/pkg/scripts/

Quick Start

If you run out of the box i.e. without any configuration changes, you will be able to deploy a 4 node BigchainDB network with Docker containers, created from master branch of bigchaindb/bigchaindb repo and Tendermint version 0.22.8.

Note: Run with either root or non-root user with sudo enabled.

$ bash
Finished stacking!

Configure the BigchainDB network

The script has multiple deployment methods and parameters and they can be explored using: bash -h

$ bash -h

    Usage: $ bash [-h]

    Deploys the BigchainDB network.

        Set STACK_SIZE environment variable to the size of the network you desire.
        Network mimics a production network environment with single or multiple BDB
        nodes. (default: 4).

        Set STACK_TYPE environment variable to the type of deployment you desire.
        You can set it one of the following: ["docker", "local", "cloud"].
        (default: docker)

        Set only when STACK_TYPE="cloud". Only "azure" is supported.
        (default: )

        (Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the memory
        of the instance(s) spawned. (default: 2048)

        (Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the number of VCPUs
        of the instance(s) spawned. (default: 2)

        (Optional) Set only when STACK_TYPE="local". This sets the box Vagrant box name
        of the instance(s) spawned. (default: ubuntu/xenial64)

        (Optional) To configure bigchaindb repo to use, set STACK_REPO environment
        variable. (default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb)

        (Optional) To configure bigchaindb repo branch to use set STACK_BRANCH environment
        variable. (default: master)

        (Optional) Tendermint version to use for the setup. (default: 0.22.8)

        (Optional) MongoDB version to use with the setup. (default: 3.6)

        Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:

        Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:

        Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:

        Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Steps to generate:

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        Azure region for the BigchainDB instance. Get list of regions using Azure CLI.
        e.g. az account list-locations. (default: westeurope)

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        Azure image to use. Get list of available images using Azure CLI.
        e.g. az vm image list --output table. (default: Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest)

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        Name of Azure resource group for the instance.
        (default: bdb-vagrant-rg-2018-05-30)

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        DNS Prefix of the instance. (default: bdb-instance-2018-05-30)

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        Admin username of the the instance. (default: vagrant)

        (Optional) Only applicable, when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure".
        Azure VM size. (default: Standard_D2_v2)

        Only required when STACK_TYPE="cloud" and STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER="azure". Absolute path of
        SSH keypair required to log into the Azure instance.

        Show this help and exit.

The parameter that differentiates between the deployment type is STACK_TYPE which currently, supports an opinionated deployment of BigchainDB on docker, local and cloud.

STACK_TYPE: docker

This configuration deploys a docker based BigchainDB network on the dev/test machine that you are running on. This is also the default STACK_TYPE config for

Example: docker

Deploy a 4 node docker based BigchainDB network on your host.

#Optional, since 4 is the default size.
$ export STACK_SIZE=4

#Optional, since docker is the default type.
$ export STACK_TYPE=docker

#Optional, repo to use for the network deployment
# Default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb
$ export STACK_REPO=bigchaindb/bigchaindb

#Optional, codebase to use for the network deployment
# Default: master
$ export STACK_BRANCH=master

#Optional, since 0.22.8 is the default tendermint version.
$ export TM_VERSION=0.22.8

#Optional, since 3.6 is the default MongoDB version.
$ export MONGO_VERSION=3.6

$ bash

Note: For MacOSX users, the script will not install Docker for Mac, it only detects if docker is installed on the system, if not make sure to install Docker for Mac. Also make sure Docker API Version > 1.25. To check Docker API Version:

docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'


This configuration deploys a VM based BigchainDB network on your host/dev. All the services are running as processes on the VMs. For local deployments the following dependencies must be installed i.e.

  • Vagrant
    • Vagrant plugins.
      • vagrant-cachier
      • vagrant-vbguest
      • vagrant-hosts
      • vagrant-azure
        • vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest vagrant-hosts vagrant-azure
  • Virtualbox

Example: VM

Deploy a 4 node VM based BigchainDB network.

$ export STACK_TYPE=local

# Optional, since 4 is the default size.
$ export STACK_SIZE=4

# Optional, default is 2048
$ export STACK_VM_MEMORY=2048 

#Optional, default is 1
$ export STACK_VM_CPUS=1

#Optional, default is ubuntu/xenial64. Supported/tested images: bento/centos-7, fedora/25-cloud-base
$ export STACK_BOX_NAME=ubuntu/xenial64

#Optional, repo to use for the network deployment
# Default: bigchaindb/bigchaindb
$ export STACK_REPO=bigchaindb/bigchaindb

#Optional, codebase to use for the network deployment
# Default: master
$ export STACK_BRANCH=master

#Optional, since 0.22.8 is the default tendermint version
$ export TM_VERSION=0.22.8

#Optional, since 3.6 is the default MongoDB version.
$ export MONGO_VERSION=3.6

$ bash


This configuration deploys a docker based BigchainDB network on a cloud instance. Currently, only Azure is supported. For cloud deployments the following dependencies must be installed i.e.

  • Vagrant
    • Vagrant plugins.
      • vagrant-cachier
      • vagrant-vbguest
      • vagrant-hosts
      • vagrant-azure
        • vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest vagrant-hosts vagrant-azure

Example: stack

Deploy a 4 node docker based BigchainDB network on an Azure instance.

# After creating the AAD application with access to Azure Resource
# Group Manager for your subscription, it will return a JSON object

$ export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<value from azure.appId>

$ export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<value from azure.tenant>

# Can be retrieved via
# az account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv
$ export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<your Azure subscription ID>

$ export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<value from azure.password>

$ export STACK_TYPE=cloud

# Currently on azure is supported
$ export STACK_TYPE_PROVIDER=azure

$ export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=</path/to/private/key>

# Optional, Azure region of the instance. Default: westeurope
$ export AZURE_REGION=westeurope

# Optional, Azure image urn of the instance. Default: Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest
$ export AZURE_IMAGE_URN=Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest

# Optional, Azure resource group. Default: bdb-vagrant-rg-yyyy-mm-dd(current date)
$ export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=bdb-vagrant-rg-2018-01-01

# Optional, DNS prefix of the Azure instance. Default: bdb-instance-yyyy-mm-dd(current date)
$ export AZURE_DNS_PREFIX=bdb-instance-2018-01-01

# Optional, Admin username of the Azure instance. Default: vagrant
$ export AZURE_ADMIN_USERNAME=vagrant

# Optional, Azure instance size. Default: Standard_D2_v2
$ export AZURE_VM_SIZE=Standard_D2_v2

$ bash

Delete/Unstack a BigchainDB network

Export all the variables exported for the corresponding script and run to delete/remove/unstack the BigchainDB network/stack.

$ bash


# -s implies soft unstack. i.e. Only applicable for local and cloud based
# networks. Only deletes/stops the docker(s)/process(es) and does not
# delete the instances created via Vagrant or on Cloud. Default: hard
$ bash -s