Deploy a Machine for Your BigchainDB Node

The first step is to deploy a machine for your BigchainDB node. It might be a virtual machine (VM) or a real machine, for example, an EC2 on AWS or a droplet on Digital Ocean. If you follow this simple deployment template, all your node’s software will run on that one machine.

We don’t make any assumptions about where you run the machine. It might be in Azure, AWS, your data center or a Raspberry Pi.

IP Addresses

The following instructions assume all the nodes in the network (including yours) have public IP addresses. (A BigchainDB network can be run inside a private network, using private IP addresses, but we don’t cover that here.)

Operating System

Use Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu Server 18.04 as the operating system.

Similar instructions will work on other versions of Ubuntu, and other recent Debian-like Linux distros, but you may have to change the names of the packages, or install more packages.

Network Security Group

If your machine is in AWS or Azure, for example, and you want users to connect to BigchainDB via HTTPS, then you should configure its network security group to allow all incoming and outgoing traffic for:

  • TCP on port 22 (SSH)
  • TCP on port 80 (HTTP)
  • TCP on port 443 (HTTPS)
  • Any protocol on port 26656 (Tendermint P2P)

If you don’t care about HTTPS, then forget about port 443, and replace port 80 with port 9984 (the default BigchainDB HTTP port).

Update Your System

SSH into your machine and update all its OS-level packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

DNS Setup

  • Register a domain name for your BigchainDB node, such as
  • Pick a subdomain of that domain for your BigchainDB node, such as
  • Create a DNS “A Record” pointing your chosen subdomain (such as at your machine’s IP address.